
Germ Hot Spots In Your Workspace

As terms such as “pandemic” and “quarantine” continue to be trending topics, cleaning standards are being redefined in everyday spaces, including the office, whether it’s in-person or at home. Having a clean place to work is essential to maintain productivity, client perceptions as well as employee and personal well-being. It’s often said that a toilet seat is the dirtiest surface, but a work desk can be up to 400 times filthier than a toilet. Some of the other dirty surfaces on the list may surprise you.

How to Ensure a Clean Workspace

Many of the common surfaces that we touch daily are riddled with germs and bacteria. According to the Cleaning Services Group, 60% of illnesses come from touching office equipment. Because so much of the equipment is shared between employees and even family members, it’s important to make sure a cleaning routine is put in place.

Aside from the bathroom, which surprisingly may be the cleanest area in your office or home, other germ-infested zones include the desk, kitchen and other meeting areas. Two out of three employees eat at their desk but only one in five clean their desk before eating. Crumbs are a common source of bacteria and are often forgotten or brushed under surfaces, adding to the risk of mold accumulation.

Implementing a regular cleaning routine can prevent germs from spreading on other surfaces. You might think infections are spread by coughing and sneezing, but 80% of them stem from contact with contaminated surfaces. Cleaning these areas could put you in better control of one’s overall health.

Daily Cleaning

Before leaving the office or shutting the laptop for the day, remember to use a disinfectant wipe and swipe the screen, mouse and keyboard. Empty the trash and don’t let clutter accumulate on the desk. Make sure all documents are in their folders, pens are in their holders and other items are in their place.

Weekly Cleaning

Reserve a few minutes at the beginning or end of each week to declutter, file paperwork, organize computer files and wipe surfaces. Doing so can make sure there’s less chance of bacteria spreading. Dust the furniture and spray your chair with a disinfectant spray.

Monthly Cleaning

At least once a month, clean underneath the desktop, phone and other items on the desk. Over time, documents, mugs and other items can pile up, requiring a purge of the mess. Deep cleaning can prevent any forgotten messes and bacterial colony forming units (CFU) from getting too comfortable.

Stop the Spread of Germs

While it’s hard not to feel paranoid about exposure to viruses, germs and bacteria, take steps to put your mind more at ease. Implement a few habits in your workspace, whether it’s the office, kitchen table or desk in the bedroom, to keep healthy. Wash your hands often, disinfect commonly touched surfaces and make sure you’re using safe cleaning products to prevent exposure of contagious germs. To learn more about which surfaces might be housing bacteria, read our resource.

Infographic created by Cascade Building Services, Trusted Office Cleaning in Portland

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