While self-publishing has become very popular in today’s digital age, many authors are unsure how to go about successfully publishing their book and actually getting people to read it. Working with a self publishing company is one way to make your book visible and marketable to others. Here are some tips on how to choose a company to work with.
- Get Full Details on Pricing
Ask for a clear breakdown of all pricing. Before signing any contracts, take time to fully understand what services you are paying for and make sure there are no hidden fees you are unaware of.
- Ask About Royalties
Many self-publishing companies allow you to keep 100 percent of royalties while others will let you keep a percentage. Find this information out as soon as possible and seek a company that doesn’t take any royalties.
- Understand Your Rights
Many authors choose self-publishing because they wish to keep full rights over their book. While most companies will respect your ownership over your work, don’t just assume. Clarify exactly what rights you have as the author before deciding on a company.
- Establish Boundaries
Make it clear from the beginning that you have full creative control over the content of your book before beginning the publication process. While you should be open to suggestions, the self-publishing company should not demand you make any changes to your work.
- Read Reviews
Seek reviews from other authors who have tried to self-publish their books with the company and get a good idea of its reputation in the community. Have people had success with selling their books using these services? Did anyone have problems with the publishing process or dislike the team they worked with?
- Review Published Books
Self-publishing companies should have a portfolio of some of the work they have helped published in the past. Take a look at these books and do some research to see how successful they are.
- Establish Communication
Don’t sign up with a company without first communicating with someone one-on-one. If finding a company online, never agree to anything without first taking the time to speak with a representative and asking any questions you may have.
- Determine Expertise
Get the names of the professionals you would potentially be working with and learn their credentials. If you’re paying for expert advice on how to better your writing and publish your book you want to make sure they know their stuff.
Taking time to choose a quality self-publishing company can make all the difference. Never feel afraid to ask questions and learn exactly what you’re agreeing to.